# Overriding Templates

It is possible to customize recommender layout or look and feel, while retaining most of the built-in functionality, simply by overriding default templates. Cartographer uses Handlebars (opens new window) for client-size templates.

In addition to overriding templates, it is possible to define new Handlebars helpers. See Optimizing Product Image Display (opens new window) section for a real life example.

# Available Templates

main Main recommender shell
header Custom content to be placed above other recommender content
footer Custom footer content
product Recommended product tile
productaddtocart Product add to cart button
productimage Product image container
productimagemedia Product URL. See Optimizing Product Image Display section
productlink Product detail page URL
productmatch Indicator of recommendation fitness to user's answers to recommender questions
productname Product name
productprice Product pricing, including currency symbol
question Question container
questiongroup Question group (page) container
questiongroupafter v2 Holds content to be inserted after other page content
questiongroupbefore v2 Holds content to be inserted before any other page content
questiongroupmiddle v2 Holds content to be inserted after main page content, but prior to navigation bar
questionbreadcrumb v2 Renders single element of breadcrumbs bar
questionbreadcrumbs v2 Renders breadcrumbs bar
questiongroupnavigation Renders page navigation bar
questiongroupnavigationafter v2 Holds content to be inserted after other page navigation content
questiongroupnavigationbefore v2 Holds content to be inserted before any other page navigation content
questiongrouptitle v2 Displays page title
questionfreetext Free-text questions
questionmultiplechoice General frame for multiple choice style questions
questionmultiplechoicebuttons Renders multiple choice questions as buttons
questionmultiplechoicemultiselect Renders multiple choice questions as a number of checkboxes
questionmultiplechoicedropdown Renders multiple choice questions as a dropdown
questionmultiplechoicedropdownplaceholder Placeholder text to be shown on dropdowns until user selects an option
questionmultiplechoiceslider Renders multiple choice questions as value slider
questionslider Renders slider type questions
recommendations Product recommendations frame
recommendationsheader Custom content to be placed above recommendations
recommendationsfooter Custom content to be placed below recommendations
recommendationsgroup v2 Displays recommendations page content
recommendationsgroupfooter v2 Holds content to be inserted fatrother content on the results page
recommendationsgroupheader v2 Holds content to be inserted before other content on the results page
recommendationsgroupnavigation Renders results page navigation bar
slidertick Value button on slider bar

# Examples

# Linking to Product Detail Pages (PDP)

If recommendations are using basic product tile template that is included with Cartographer, one of the implementation steps is to enable correct PDP link generation. This is achieved by customizing productlink template as following (see example).

 var recommender = new Drive.GuidedRecommender({
        // Override templates
        templates: {
            // Override product link template. product.externalId is available on the recommendation record and will contain master or child product ID.
            productlink: '/Product?pid={{product.externalId}}'

# Use SFCC content functions to avoid hard-coding the URL and locale:

var recommender = new Drive.GuidedRecommender({
        // Override templates
        templates: {
            // Override product link template. product.externalId is available on the recommendation record and will contain master or child product ID.
            productlink: "$url('Product-Show', 'pid', '')${{product.externalId}}"

# Use specific Magento URLs to avoid hard-coding the URL and locale:

 var recommender = new Drive.GuidedRecommender({
        // Override templates
        templates: {
            // Override product link template. product.externalId is available on the recommendation record and will contain master or child product ID.
            productlink: "/catalog/product/view/id/${{product.externalId}}"